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Karachi — the neglected golden goose
The depth and breadth of the market in the city continue to surprise even its residents. Given its significant role, is there any justification for its perpetual neglect?
More importantly, can a self-propelled, rudderless Karachi continue to support Pakistan’s economy despite being wronged in every way? Possibly. But is it wise to test the resilience of a city so large, divided and yet crucial to the country’s future? The federal and Sindh governments, for some reason, seem willing to take this dangerous gamble.
A budget serves as a key indicator of a government’s priorities. The recently announced budgets of both the federal and Sindh governments demonstrate a continued lack of sensitivity towards Karachi and its myriad issues.
The resource-starved federal government, striving to balance the International Monetary Fund’s advice with the demands of economic management without further alienating its political base, had to reduce the budget allocation for the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP).
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